
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Our Driven by Designer, Bryan Thompson (10 years with Nissan SoCal car design studio and recent lead designer for Amazon's new self-driving taxi ZOOX) talks with the creator of a new category of pedal-powered plus electric assist vehicle called the VELOMOBILE. Created by Begorette Supercomposites Engineering in Spain. Here on Orange County's only live business channel, OC TALK RADIO, streaming live from the University of California Irvine's BEALL APPLIED INNOVATION CENTER.

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
State of Michigan‘s Test Track of the Future for Self-Driving Cars
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Meet Reuben Sarkar, President and CEO of the American Center for Mobility on their innovative test track for self-driving technology. And the startup campus they've created to help create the transportation technology of the future. Funded by the State of Michigan (and others).

Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Creating a Custom Car
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Join us as our car designer Bryan Thompson (10 years with Nissan and recent lead designer for Amazon's new self-driving taxi, ZOOX) talks with custom car designer CHRIS BROWN (BrownAutoDesign.com) on how to update a classic and turn it into a custom, one-of-a-kind car. On this week's edition of DRIVEN BY DESIGN, here on OC TALK RADIO. OC's only community radio station streaming live from The Cove here at the University of California Irvine's BEALL APPLIED INNOVATION CENTER.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Monterey's famed Concours at Pasadera car show
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Our DRIVEN BY DESIGNER Bryan Thompson (10 years at Nissan and recent lead designer for Amazon's new self-driving taxi, ZOOX) talks cars with the Chairman of the famed Concours at Pasadera about their classic car show in Monterey (held every year next to the famed Laguna Seca Race Track). Talking about all that will be there this year from a tricked out Ford Galaxy once raced by Carrol Shelby to a $35 million dollar Ferrari. And everything in-between, including a high end Hot Wheels collection featuring a rare VW minibus worth over $175,000.
All the classics from A-Z. With a thoughtful discussion by both about "what is a classic" and "what recent cars may become classics" 50 years in our future. Here on Orange County's only community radio station, www.OCTalkRadio.net.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Meet ZERO EV's Jim Maury
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Our DRIVEN BY DESIGN designer Bryan Thompson,10 year vet with Nissan and recent lead designer for Amazon's self-driving taxi ZOOM (and others) talks with another pioneer in the emerging world of new EVs, Jim Maury and the company he leads with his wife and son to build a standard EV platform to power various EVs from SUVs to Delivery Vehicles at their startup ZERO ELECTRIC VEHICLE CORPORATION in Phoenix.

Monday May 24, 2021
DRIVEN BY DESIGN-Ariel Rider E-Bikes
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
This week our DRIVEN BY DESIGN car designer Bryan Thompson talks with Arda Onel, the Founder and Partner of Ariel Rider E-Bikes. Discussing not only their high performance models like the Grizzly, but their amazing tale of success. As two Turkish sons move to China and build an international ebike company with their father, only to struggle and falter as their father dies and they are forced to go it alone, learning the complexities of servicing such a fast growing, international business. And having the foresight and courage to shut it all down after his death and start all over again to get it right. Moving to Seattle and rebuilding their brand from scratch (with even greater success)
It's an inspirational story of struggle and courage and rebirth. As Ariel Rider E-Bikes takes a new path, reaches new heights and tackles new terrain in an ever growing (and ever changing) market. Here on Orange County's only community radio station, www.OCTalkRadio.biz.

Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
Brent Shedd, CEO at ZING ROBOTICS in the Bay area. An autonomous vehicle startup that has developed "an electric, level 4 autonomous mobility platform suitable for a wide variety of uses" from ground service equipment for airlines and cargo carriers (to take humans off the tarmac) to military and other potential public uses. Cool stuff with lots of potential target markets and applications. You can check them out by visiting www.zingrobotics.com.

Friday Apr 09, 2021
Driven By Design-Easy Clean Kid's Car Seats w/Jinah Kim
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Jinah Kim NIKO EASY WASH CAR SEAT COVERS on how becoming a mother led her to creating an easy wash cover for her kid's car seats. And how it's given her a whole new chapter in her life from TV Reporter to Entrepreneur.

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Are we really ready for the electrification of all our vehicles?
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Are we really ready for the electrification of all our vehicles? Tune in to this week's DRIVEN BY DESIGN as our host Bryan Thompson (a 10 year veteran of Nissan's SoCal design studio) tackles that question with Ali Jahed, a real live "electric vehicle consultant" at Morrow Mobility who previously was responsible for preparation, and full service readiness of Mazda U.S. operations (corporate, region, and dealers) for the launch of their Electric Vehicles and Hybrids,
And given his connection with so many at Mazda (like his mentor, Tom Miata, legendary designer of the Mazda Miata), Bryan explores what it's like to work at that "scrappy car company" and how they build so much passion and heart into their products. And keep the fun of driving alive. Can that still be done in an all electric, self driving future?
Hear all that and more in this highly energized discussion between two real "car guys" on this week's DRIVEN BY DESIGN. Exploring all the things that drive us today, here on Orange County's only community radio station. Keeping SoCal's thriving and driving car culture alive, one conversation at a time...

Saturday Mar 27, 2021
The pedal power of PEDEGO eBikes
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
While others worry and rethink their business, Don DiCostanzo has seen his direct dealer network double during Covid, as his PEDEGO brand of ebikes continues to pedal along in high gear. Join us as he tracks that journey from "eBike enthusiast" to pioneer, entrepreneur and thought leader in this fast moving industry, on this week's edition of DRIVEN BY DESIGN (the one show that explores everything that drives us today). Here on OC TALK RADIO, Orange County's only community radio station and live podcasting platform.